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Tamara Adamia

Tamara Adamia



2006 – 2011. – Master degree in denitistry at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named A.I.Evdakimov. Faculty of Dentistry.
2011- 2013  – Postgraduate degree: Clinical residency at Orthodontics department at Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named A.I.Evdakimov.

Working experience

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry (2011-2013)- Clinical resident.
Moscow,“Smartline” Jhulebino(03.2013-01.2019) –Doctor orthodontist
Moscow,“Smartline’ Kuzminki(04.2013.-05.2016)- Doctor orthodontist
Moscow,“Dentalcenter” (04.2014- 01.2021)- Doctor orthodontist
Dental clinics DENS from 2022 till today.

Courses and Trainings

November 2011, Moscow –   “Teleoroentenogram”, Prof. A. Slabkovskaya.
May 2012, Moscow – ХlV Congress of Russian Orthodontists
September 2012, Moscow – “Young Orthodontist conference”. Ormco
February 2013, Moscow –   Практические работы врача-ортодонта. Фредерик Бергрштранд.
March 2013, Moscow – “MBT Philosophy, Basics of philosophy. Treatment of malocclusion using MBT philosophy» Dr. K. Muzirka
June 2013, Moscow –   ХV Congress of Russian Orthodontists
October 2013, Moscow – “Classic orthodontics meets modern technology: treatment of complex cases in adult patients». Dr. Juan Carlos Perez Varela, Dr. Jose Maria Llamas, Dr. Jose Chaques Asensi.
November 2013, Saint Petersburg –Incognito Appliance System Certification Course. Thomas Hurland, Dr.Sergey Popov.
October 2014, Moscow – “Treatment using aligners. Certification course of 3D smile”.
June 2015, Riga, Latvia – 2nd Baltic Sea Conference on Orthognathic Surgery and Orthofontics (BSCOSO 2015).
December 2016, Perugia, Italy – “Orthodontic treatment Mechanics” Prof.Renato Cocconi (Italy).
February 2019, Moscow – “Space closing and orthodontic treatment of patients with paradontal diseases”.Prof.Marco Rossa (Italy).
June-July 2019, Moscow- intensive course of «Diagnostics,Treatment and Prevention of Temporomandibular joint malfunction» – Dr.Y.Dyachkova, M.Golovin
October 2019, Saint Petersburg – «Mini screw in orthodontist’s practice» Prof.Univ.Cartagena Patricia Vergara Villarreal (Colombia).
November 2019, Moscow – «The Basics of Surgical Orthodontics” headed by Dr. Itamar Michael Friedlander (Spain).
October 2021, Moscow -“Biomechanic basics of treatment using aligners and TADS” .Dr.O. Bozhanova


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